Compliments and Complaints Process
Purpose: The formal complaints procedure is intended to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly, consistently, and wherever possible resolved to the complainant's satisfaction.
If a member of the general public wishes to make a complaint that cannot be resolved through discussion with the person(s) being complained about then he/she may wish to file a formal complaint within one month of the event that gave rise to the complaint and either email to or phone 07 3455 971 and ask to speak with the Manager.
Once received, the complaint will be acknowledged in writing and entered onto the Complaints Register within two working days. The complainant should not omit steps in the formal procedure for resolving general complaints.
Step 1:
All complaints must be made in writing to the Manager in the first instance. It should include:
a) The complainants’ Name and Contact Details.
b) A description of the event that has given rise to the complaint.
c) The person(s) being complained about (if known)
d) The date and approximate time the event occurred.
In the event the complainant is unable to put the complaint in writing, the Manager may use a recorded interview instead.
1) The manager will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing within 5 working days.
2) The manager will investigate the complaint within 8 working days (including interviewing the staff involved and any witnesses and take appropriate action to resolve the complaint and in a timely manner will advise the complainant in writing of the actions taken and reasons for doing so.
Step 2:
If the manager is unable to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the complainant or is the person being complained about, then the client will be advised to write the secretary of the Governance board and have the complaint considered by the board who will investigate the procedure in Step 1
Step 3:
The Governance Board is the highest internal level of Mokoia Community Association, and their decisions and actions will be taken as final. However, if the complaint is still not resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, he/she has the right to seek legal remedies such as arbitration etc.
All written material created due to the complaint is to be filed in chronological order and stored for seven (7) years.